Wednesday, March 9, 2011

His eye is on me

 Through nearly four decades of walking with the Lord , there is one thing and only one thing that I am  100% certain about i.e Jesus is the Solid Rock - everything else is shifting sand. I have known His faithful hand guide and lead me through troubled waters, in fiery situations, in times of plenty and want.

 Eighteen years ago God called Colin and I to leave our secular employment and serve the church. They have been 18 good years but not without its ups and downs, challenges and churning.The most testing times of all has been our 8 1/2 years in Church planting in Pune. We heard God speak to us about "having stayed on the mountain too long" and that it was time to move on - from a thriving church back home in Mumbai to a new city, new people, and a lot of uncertainty.

We came with all our belongings a 7 year old son and a 6 month old baby - that's what the church planting team comprised of. This meant  the 3 of us were the serving team, hospitality team, worship leading, preaching, prayer meetings, follow up, administration etc etc etc. We had much joy  and faith in our hearts and enjoyed serving God's people  and had great visions and plans to this plant and ones we hoped would come in the future.
However very soon all hells fury was hurled at us and it came in various forms : freak accidents on Andrew our son, ill health, wild accusations , gossip , slander, divisiveness, and more. We were in the firing line of the most evil flaming darts. Loniless  was our companion. 
As we continued to march on we began to see a little fruit here and there only to be snatched away very quickly. Being in a transient city meant physical mobility because of job s was very high - so we  virtually had a new congregation every nine months or so.

With inflation increasing at a pace we just could not keep up with we felt the Lord lead us in the most amazing way to start our own tent making enterprise. We saw God's favour and grace rest upon us.
With Rs 2000/- ( the last of what we had ) , like Elijah and the widow with the jar of oil, we took that  and invested in art material to make glass art and then greeting cards. Thus our company More2Art was born. Truly the Lord will never leave or forsake His own. We have seen His faithful hand of provision month after month.

Two years into being in Pune,  and a new business venture just taking root we were miraculously led to buying a beautiful 3 bedroom apartment for which we did not even have 1% of the total cost. It's sheer madness anybody would tell you. But - the Lord's way is not ours. He made gracious provision come to us through loving members of the family. Can one doubt His eye on us?

Years of drought and hardship on the church front persisted till the 7th year.God was teaching us many things through all of this - the most important being humility, faithfulness, walking closely to Him and dong His will, amongst other lessons.
Yet through it all , God has only been faithful , more than we could ask or imagine. The tide is finally turning. We are entering a new season of harvesting and reaping what has been sown in tears and pain. It is in this season that many a song got birthed but lay between the leaves of my book. Confusion and doubt cause them to lie there.. till the God of second and third chances gently nudged me yet again to get them out into the world. Feeling utterly helpless and in adequate despite, the deep desire to pen line after line in praise of my King, I took that plunge to bring out the songs written .

His Eye Is On Me is a tribute to the ever faithful God , the keeper of my heart. Psalm 121, 91 and Romans 8:28 onward have been some of my favourite passages of scripture. This song is based on those passages. As you listen to it, recall God's faithfulness in your own life and remind yourself that "His eye is on me". Be Blessed.


  1. "I can face tomorrow" because
    "I trust Him" because
    "He is faithful God" because
    "God Never let go" because
    "He holds me" because
    "He is with me" because
    "I am His son" because
    "He loves me"

  2. Thank you Vinoth. Please share this with those whom you feel will be blessed.

  3. Hey guys... this is amazing made me cry!Pray for you through n thing you continuous being a blessing that you are! love.

  4. Thank you. I am glad you have been blessed by this . Thank you for wanting to pray for us. Appreciate it - really.
