Thursday, March 29, 2018

What Memories Will You Leave Behind ?


Life is full of memories – momentous and miserable. Memories are a part of our history. They can shape us or scar us. They can paralyze us or propel us forward. We build on them, we imprint on them.

Here is a question – do we want to erect mausoleums or build a movement that is always gathering momentum. Not static; not stuck in “‘em glory days”, but moving where God’s hand guides us.

For this old wineskins will not do. It has been shaped and aged by things that no longer have use or relevance.New ways of doing things for a new season need new methods.I need to have my ear to the ground – what is the Spirit saying? Where is the wind blowing? Do I recognize the season I am in?
I cannot harp on old memories and build monuments in my heart and mind around it. Worse still would be if it affects my actions.

I have heard that the ‘next generation ideas come from the next generation’. There is a lot of truth in that. Yet, I do not have to be left behind. If I can adapt, stay tuned to what God is doing I can be a part of the movement and not the old memories.

We all have the choice. That is what I am pondering today. I want to leave a legacy where I have left memories that live on, as they are the cogs on which the wheels of momentum turn.

Navaz DCruz