Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Continuum - Overflowing with thankfulness | Part 4


The Continuum Part 4

I am concluding my reflections in this very rich passage of scripture. You can read Part 1 by clicking here  Part 2 by clicking here and Part 3 by clicking here

Colossians 2:7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Over the past couple of weeks, my reflection has been in this passage that is so rich in content, each word or phrase having so much weight behind it.

I come to the last phrase in this passage: ”overflowing with thankfulness”

This last phrase intrigued me. He starts with being rooted, built up, and strengthened in the faith. A natural flow from this could have been prayer. But he throws thankfulness into the mix and not just any kind. Thankfulness that is overflowing and in abundance.

It made me think of how often my thankfulness is just a trickle. What does overflowing with thankfulness look like?

The last year was a very challenging season. I was challenged to practice gratitude, declaring faith and blessing over every situation on a daily basis. I ritualistically went through my list of things that I wanted to give thanks for in order to cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving. This list comprised of the simple mundane things of life. As I did this, my thanksgiving list and its scope began to grow. 

Now every morning when I wake up and draw the curtains of my bedroom back I look out
and thank God for the vast expanse of the lush forest before me. I think God for the view with which I am blessed. I go on to thank god for my husband, my kids and focusing on all the good in them.
Have I become a person overflowing with thanksgiving? Not yet, but I am getting there.

Why is Thanksgiving so important? Is God an egomaniac who needs us to praise Him? 

God does not need anything from us of anyone or anything. He is complete in himself. The thanksgiving is all for our benefit. It requires humility to acknowledge that the source of goodness that you enjoy is outside of yourself. You did not create it. It is acknowledging greatness in someone else. Thanking God is acknowledging Him as the source of all blessing and goodness.

Scripture is full of commands and encouragement to be thankful. The Psalms is full of it.
Paul commands us to give thanks always to praise God with thankfulness.
ManyPsalms start with this common refrain; “give thanks to God for His love endures forever” This is enough reason. His love toward us is lasting and not fleeting or frivolous.

What should we thank him for? Thank God for who He is – our Father, our savior, The Lord of all. Thank God for His general blessing on all the earth. This is called common grace for it rains on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Thank God for His specific grace on your life. Start with the amazing grace He has shown you at the time you were saved: for is redemption and restoration work in our lives. Then thank him for the many other blessings: physical, financial, relational, health, material etc. Stretch yourself to be thankful for everything.

See how this habit will renew your mind – it will change a negative outlook to one full of faith and Hope will rise in your heart for dead situations. I have learned a lot about this in the last year and I believe I am only scratching the surface.


Do a 40-day challenge of thankfulness. Have a list posted where you can see it and go through it on a daily basis.

 Every day I thank God for blessing my children and all that God is going to do in and through them. I pray  blessing and prophesy over their future calling our destiny in them. I thank God for my marriage and what God has done in us this far and ask Him to keep us strong in His love all our days. I thank God for our business and his amazing provision. I thank God for the church; and how God has blessed us and entrusted us with his people.
So get your list ready and start thanking God and see what miracles will take place in your life.

The turnaround will happen in your heart first and then in your circumstances. Thankfulness is the slender sinew that moves the hand of God to act.
We will find ourselves moving from a trickle of thanksgiving to a torrent. Will He not open the floodgates of blessings into our lives?

This brings me to the end of my reflections on these two verses. As I encourage myself I encourage you too to CONTINUE to grow strong, continue to build up your faith, continue to stay rooted in the things you have been taught and continue to grow in thankfulness.

If you found this blog helpful why not share it with your friends and drop me a line in the comments below and share how you have grown in your journey of being a thankful person.

Navaz DCruz
Oct 2018
( This is the concluding blog in this 4 part series)

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Continuum | Part 3

The Continuum Part 3

I am continuing my refelctions in this very rich passage of scripture. You can read Part 1 by clicking here and Part 2 by clicking here.

Colossians 2:7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Paul goes on to encourage the Colossians to, continue to be strengthened in the faith. What does this man? He is asking them to make themselves strong. It begs the question; why should they do this, what should they make themselves strong in and how should they make themselves strong?

Let us reflect on each of these components.


This becomes evident in the verses that follow verse7. We will come to that in a bit.
I think to myself about the different things that I can be strong in- many things can shape my thinking, my opinions and I can become strong in those. 

Having strong convictions is a very good quality. Or else I will be taken “captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.” Col 2:8.

Therefore, what are these convictions? What has shaped them – what is the value system and the underlying ethos of those convictions?
People today have strong convictions about many things viz. animal rights, forest conservation etc. Some of these things are not bad in themselves but if I do not have a healthy overarching paradigm for my understanding of life, my environment etc. my convictions could get skewed and a little misplaced.

The Colossians were not strangers to these threats as we can see from the warning that follows in verse 8. Paul is warning them not to be swayed by every wind of doctrine or argument or new-fangled idea that was floating around. People were mixing what they were taught with the philosophies of the day, the prevailing religious beliefs, a mixture of the law and grace. It was starting to look like a hot mess. And Paul was cautioning them against the adulteration of the gospel but to continue in what they were taught by the apostles and other trustworthy leaders

Are we not facing the same today? What was considered wrong or sinful in the bible is now being undermined and challenged? Fresh laws are drawn up every so often to call wrong right and vice versa. To call sin, sin has indeed now become “a sin”. What a tragedy!! Humanism has always tried to replace God and His standard as being the plumb line for our lives.

I like the way Paul always states the principle first and then addresses the practice. This is important lest we dismiss the principle as Paul’s opinion that we have an option to be convinced of or not.

So the principle that Paul is stating is: Be strengthened in the faith.  From this, I understand that there I things that I could get strong in that could lead me away from the faith. Do not find strength in other things like one’s career, money, relationships, other philosophies etc.
I need to find my strength in the faith.


We find this phrase “strengthened in the faith’ in many other places ( Acts 16:5, 1Cor 16:13, 1Pet 5:9, Rom 4:20). What does Paul mean by faith? I believe it is a body of beliefs.

 I believe he is referring to our faith in the Lord Jesus as our only savior. Our faith in the complete work of the Cross, being saved and sustained by Grace alone and in Christ alone. Our belief in  God the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. Our belief in the resurrection and the return of Jesus. Our belief in eternal life. Our belief in the Church and the unity of the body of Christ. This has been beautifully encapsulated in the Apostles Creed written in 390AD.

“As you were taught..”
We are to hold fast to the teaching that is in scripture and not waver from it. What has been taught? It is also important to know who is teaching me. Is the church that I am a part of preaching the full gospel in an undiluted way? Is it preaching sin, repentance, forgiveness, grace and all the rich inheritance we come into because of accepting Jesus sacrifice in the cross?

As we meditate on these truths each day, we will be strengthened in the faith.
We will get strong in the faith and what we believe and we will get strong by what we have come to believe. It will put strength into our soul and Spirit.
I pause to reflect on this…


I look back at my life and see that I started the habit of spending time with God and His Word when I was in school. I started maintaining a journal when I was around 13-14. That daily chewing on scripture morsel by morsel is what has made my faith strong today.
It’s not reading a whole chunk of scripture once a month that will do it for you. It’s that little bite-size pieces each day – those verses that you meditate upon that start to do its work for the Word of God is living and active (Heb4:12-13).

We are transformed by the renewing of our mind and allow our thinking to be retrained and shaped by scripture. Slowly the word becomes the plumb line that shows us when I am off balanced in my thinking or behavior.

It is not the random reading of scripture or only a diet of the Psalms that will make you strong. It's taking in the whole counsel of the Word of God right from Genesis to Revelation and all those difficult books like Leviticus,, Deuteronomy, Ezekiel in between.

I have read the Bible from cover from cover more times than I can recount and it has been an enriching experience with new treasures to discover each time. I love the Word of God. It is my treasure, my comfort, my compass, my delight. It is the first place I run to when I need to be strengthened of when I need guidance.

I have used devotionals books etc as supplementary tools but they can never replace the Bible.

When I meditate on the Word of God consistently my faith becomes strong and I become a strong person too. When this happens, I am “able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Rom 12:2)

As I end on my reflections today, can I ask you a question? How do you get strong in the faith? Maybe you would like to share your journey, and what you have found helpful in the comments below. If you have enjoyed what you are reading please share this blog with your friends on any social media you use. Why not WhatsApp it to a friend right now?

Navaz DCruz
(Concluding Part to follow)

For PART 1 Click here & PART 2